Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thai Herbal Body Scrub at Boutique Massage in Bangkok

Thai Herbal Body ScrubBoutique Massage is Thai Lanna Tradition provides an experience where the nature can give and touch of healing on your skin and mind. At the “Boutique Massage” you will be treated and natured by our experienced therapist and high quality Thai herb we collected for you. We offer a satisfaction guarantee should our service fail to meet the standards we promise, you will not be charged.

A full-body scrub with a nurturing blend of Thai herbs and natural aromatics oil revives dry and devitalized skin. This sensual treatment exfoliates the skin stimulates the natural enzyme process. New, healthy skin cells are exposed to be deeply rehydrated and invigorated while you senses are profoundly healed. When you go to Boutique Massage, you can choose Bangkok Hotels at

Welcome to Thai Massage at Boutique Massage in Bangkok

Boutique Massage in Bangkok
Address; 091/237-240 Soi 35 Petchburi Road, Makgasan, Rajtevi, Bangkok, 10400 Thailand

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